Advanz Therapies interviews Harries (Anthony Carroll) regarding what has turned him to Pilates!!

My background in exercise is running, surfing, Pilates reformer, mat work and weights. I have Competed in surflifesaving and been super fit for my job of 20 years as a Bondi lifeguard.

I found Pilates through a mate who had an ongoing back problem and had broken his neck. He was getting results through Pilates and suggested I try it out. 2 years later i am completely hooked.
I find Pilates very challenging because their is so much variety and props to make Pilates harder. I feel like it’s a massive apprenticeship in a life long journey to a perfect life, through movement.
I am still studying Pilates with polestar Pilates, which is a Physio based technique. It’s so challenging but so rewarding knowing I can assist in the healing of so many injuries through corrective movements in Pilates.

I believe Pilates is the best training for all walks of life – injuries and corrective movement patterns of all body types.

The biggest difference Pilates has to other exercise, I find is that it trains you from the inside out and it’s a form of relaxation and flow through control and breathing.

Pilates is more than just my foundation block to all my activities. Pilates is more than an extension of life.

I can’t wait to be out working, hopefully my apprenticeship journey will continue with Advanz Therapies.